Baccarat variations

Baccarat variations

Contrary to common belief, you will find many baccarat variations on online casinos! We are going to let you in the secrets of baccarat online! You will find all and for all three different baccarat variations! You will notice that most of the baccarat’s variations are European and/or French! However, we will make sure to explain each one of them for free and logically for every player to get a chance to play and make the most out of their experience on those baccarat’s variations! Get ready to explore all of the baccarat options online that are usually missed by players who only play on traditional versions of online baccarat!

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Chemin de fer

The baccarat variation that is the most widespread is baptised the Chemin de Fer. This variation exists mostly on European casinos and is preferred by European players. It is a very different game than the Punto Banco, because the banker’s role is not taking up by the casino but rather by another player. Everything is way more interesting and challenging! Also, while players can ‘hit’ or ‘stand’ whenever during a traditional baccarat game, in the Chemin de fer, the player has the option to do the same only when standing on five! Therefore, you will be able to play it safe at all time!

European baccarat

The direct opposite to the European baccarat is the American baccarat! Indeed, there are two key differences! The player will have the possibility to stand on five and the banker will be able to draw at five. When a player will express the need to cover the banker’s bet, that what we call a banco, then no other player will have the opportunity to bet during the other round. Obviously, you will need to keep in mind that there is a 4 to 5% commission for the bank, so choose wisely and do not abuse from this method and possibility!

Baccarat en banque

The Baccarat en banque is the closest variation to the original baccarat game! Therefore, you will need to get as close as possible to the nine-mark, three cards will be dealt to you and the players will have the possibility to bet on one or two hands but never ever on the dealer’s hand! The drawing rules on the other hand are completely optional. It is very common for the players to follow the American rules to enhance its winning chances. Therefore, we advise you to play it carefully, the same way you would for a traditional baccarat game! Again, it is the closest variation to the original baccarat game, even with a twist!

Punto Banco

The Punto Banco is the most difficult baccarat variation! The Punto Banco is the baccarat’s American variation! However, there are no optional plays for the Punto Banco and the winner will have to match-up between two hands! The ideal match-up of hands would be a 6 and 4 that would amount to 10 and offer you an automatic winning chance!

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